Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: Vaccination Flypast

I had my first Covid-19 jab last Friday. It was a momentous day. So much so that as I left the vaccination centre in Lincoln, the NHS had organized for the Red Arrows to perform one of their amazing aerobatic displays – just to celebrate my inoculation. (My wife...
How to Grow Profits Through the Recession

How to Grow Profits Through the Recession

The pandemic has led many companies to search for ways to protect and improve profits. That is understandable, but it can be dangerous. As shown in the chart, there are 3 main ways to improve your profits, which can be subsequently split into 11 profit-growing...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: The Innovation System

The development of the Covid-19 vaccines provides a great example of the conditions necessary for effective innovation. One key lesson is that while having an ‘innovation culture’ is important, it is insufficient to deliver genuine innovation. In addition to...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: Global Solutions

Last Friday, my parents received their first coronavirus vaccination at the Globe Arena, the home of Morecambe Football Club. “Arena” may seem a little overblown for a stadium that holds just a little over 6,000 spectators, but the fact that it is called the “Globe”...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: The Wrong Vaccine

It seems that a random piece of good luck will have a massive, positive impact on our ability to vaccinate against Covid-19. The scientists running the Oxford University/Astrazenca trial made an error in an early batch of the vaccine. As a result, a sub-group of the...
How Is Covid Changing Your Market

How Is Covid Changing Your Market

The impact of the pandemic is not only creating temporary changes to business markets, it is also accelerating structural changes. Take the film and television market, for example. In the UK, 12 million people joined a streaming service – led by Netflix and Amazon...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: Covid Leadership

This week I emailed around 40 of my clients, asking them to give a brief answer to this question: In your opinion, what is the most important trait or characteristic that has set the most successful business leaders apart from the rest during the pandemic? I received...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: Herd Immunity

Over the past six months, there has been a lot of discussion about ‘herd immunity’. According to the scientists, it’s the only thing that can release us from the Covid-19 prison in which we find ourselves. Herd immunity not only applies to the biology of the disease,...
Business Rocks: Endemic vs Zero Tolerance

Business Rocks: Local Lockdowns

Most UK bars and restaurants will reopen again this weekend. As the number of Covid-19 cases finally approaches a sustainably manageable level, the 15-week social lockdown is being eased. Not in Leicester, however. There, the bars will remain shut for a further two...
Preparing to Succeed in the Post-COVID World

Preparing to Succeed in the Post-COVID World

Over the past few weeks, management teams across the country have worked tirelessly to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business. Looking after the safety and security of your people, managing cashflow and operational emergencies and simply staying...
5 Rules for Working from Home

5 Rules for Working from Home

As the Coronavirus starts to bite, more and more people will be asked to work from home. When I worked for Boots the Chemists, my days ‘working from home’ generally comprised of watching daytime TV programmes, doing the odd crossword, playing my guitar, making endless...