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Business Rocks: David Bowie’s Secret Gift
How could you achieve more in 2025 by collaborating with other talented people and teams?
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Business Rocks: And The Winner Is………
What do you do to recognise, celebrate and publicly thank and appreciate the people in your team, your department and your organisation?
Business Rocks: Reward But No Risk
What is the managerial equivalent of John Adams’s steering wheel spike?
Business Rocks: Rotten Apple?
Who are the market leaders and what signs of inertia, defensiveness and arrogance are they displaying that could give you an opportunity to attract their customers and drive new growth?
Business Rocks: A Scientific Perspective
Where are you making decisions based on what you’d like to be true, rather than what the results are telling you?
Business Rocks: Microscopes and Telescopes
Strategy and growth decisions are different. They demand that you look at the world through as broad a lens as possible, searching and scanning for new opportunities.
Business Rocks: Politicians and Statesmen/Women
How are you creating, pursuing and delivering a focused growth strategy so that you can steer your business and not allow it to drift?
Business Rocks: What Does Culture Eat for a Mid-Morning Break?
How confident are you that your organisation would pass the test and that culture isn’t eating the truth in your business?
Business Rocks: What’s The Goal?
Goals matter at a personal, organisational, national and international level. If you are clear on your goals, you are likely to be far more productive and better able to get things done.
Business Rocks: My Wife’s Lessons in Leadership
What does leadership mean to you? And how do you live your leadership values day-to-day?
Business Rocks: 5 Lessons From Coaching Football
Which of these five lessons could help you improve the delivery of organisational change across your business?
Business Rocks: The Most Underrated Driver of Value
Most organisations have many cost accountants, but I’ve yet to meet a customer retention accountant!
Business Rocks: Customer Service Technologies That Make Customer Service Worse
How do you assess new customer service technologies? And how do you ensure that the investment will deliver a material benefit to the lives of your customers?
Business Rocks: Number 1 Fan
What do your customers say about the experience of buying and using your products and services? And how likely are they to tell others how great you are?
Business Rocks: The Objectives Behind The Objectives
Taking the time to understand the objectives behind their objectives may help you to build a better, more productive organisation.
Business Rocks: Assets, Capabilities and Getting Stuff Done
Strategy is more than getting stuff done. It also includes developing your assets and your capabilities in line with your strategic aims.
Business Rocks: The Power Of 6000
How often do you share your company’s strategy and how effectively do you link it to the myriad of decisions your teams need to make every day?
Business Rocks: “Who?” or “What?”
As a leader, it can be tempting to seek out the individual responsible for an error, but it if the system doesn’t improve, your results won’t either.
Business Rocks: Personal Needs and Team Performance
What are the top 5 personal needs that you’re looking to meet from your work? And, what are the top 5 needs of each member of your team?
Business Rocks: Shims
Where are you focused on managing and improving ‘shims’ when you could be developing a better, more productive solution?
Business Rocks: The Beauty of Difficult
The key to business success is not to pursue a fruitless search for ‘quick wins’, but to doggedly pursue the ‘big, difficult wins’ that really matter.
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