Developing a strategy for your business needn’t take months of effort and result in 100-page documents. You can develop and refine your business strategy through brief, focused discussions and the use of some simple tools.
At a recent meeting of the Family Business Futures Academy, run by The Wilson Organisation, for example, I led a strategy session for a group of business owners. In just a few hours each of the participants had some new ideas about how they could drive their company’s future success. Here’s what Annabel Prow, CEO and Gary Cormack, Deputy Chairman, of The Wilson Organisation, said about the meeting:
Stuart recently ran a Strategy session for the Family Business Futures Academy. The session, aimed at family business owners, was perfectly pitched at people who know their business intimately, but who need some assistance in turning their insights into a coherent strategy, capable of coordinated action and effective communication throughout their business. Stuart judged the attendees superbly and discussed a set of processes and tools that would help any of the owners put together a strategy that would be relevant to their customers, different from their competitors and commercially successful. The session was interspersed with relevant examples and well led discussions. All the participants left with a sense of momentum and excitement about their future plans for their business!
What steps are you taking to develop your company’s strategy, and how are you building your level of momentum and excitement about the future success of your business?
(c) Stuart Cross 2014. All rights reserved.