Growth Riffs Summary Logo

This week’s focus: Last week I finally submitted the manuscript for my new book, First & Fast, to my publisher. It’s been a long process and over the past few months I had to ask my wife to check up on my weekly progress. Otherwise, it would have been too easy for me to procrastinate and to fail to complete the next section or chapter.

I am increasingly convinced that a discipline of accountability is the key to ongoing success and growth. At one client workshop this week, for instance, it became clear that several strategic priorities had not been delivered mainly because the CEO had failed to embed a discipline of accountability. As a result, the day-to-day stuff had got in the way; the urgent had killed the important.

For many entrepreneurial leaders, ensuring a focus on effective delivery can seem, well, a little boring. But it is these ‘boring’, practical tasks that are the difference between good ideas and brilliant results. What steps are you taking to ensure that your organisation has a discipline of accountability driving the delivery of your most important strategic initiatives?

Off The Record: Blame It On The Boogie by The Jacksons

Don’t blame it on the sunshine

Don’t blame it on the moonlight

Don’t blame it on the good times

Blame it on the boogie

© Stuart Cross 2015. All rights reserved.