First & Fast: Outpace Your Competitors,
Lead Your Markets and Accelerate Growth
Create the fast-paced, agile organisation you’ve always wanted to lead!
First & Fast provides powerful strategies and tools to accelerate your company’s ability to change, innovate and grow – year after year
The CEO’s Strategy Handbook
How to create, sustain, and accelerate profitable growth
The term ‘strategy’ has, with the help of consultants and academics, developed a mystique that makes it sound difficult, complicated and only for people with an IQ greater than 150. In The CEO’s Strategy Handbook I smash through this misconception, and show Chief Executive Officers that strategy is a critical element in improving the performance of their business and is a straightforward – and even enjoyable – process that they can feel confident in mastering.

Morgan Cross Consulting Ltd
PO Box 9210
Newark, NG24 9EG